Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gators & Friends: Check

Do you remember that summer checklist Gracie made about a week ago?  Well, with so little time to spare, we figured we had better get a jump on it. So, on Friday, we loaded up and headed out to Greenwood to go to Gators & Friends.

Here are the kids all buckled up and ready to hit the road

About 40 minutes after pulling out of our driveway, we were pulling into Gators & Friends. A few minutes in line and 2 cups of animal food later, we were set to go! (Gracie insisted the animal food smelled like wood.  It smelled like something alright...I just wouldn't say it was wood).
Of course, Matthew made a bee line for the little ride-on gator.  Remember when they had little ride-ons in front of all of the grocery stores?  The good ol' days...

We had a great time looking at all of the animals. Matthew's favorite was the goats, and Gracie's was the wallabies. I was a little partial to the wallabies myself, because they had a baby wallaby!! So cute!

The fallow deer had to be the loudest animals at the park. I guess they learned early on that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or in their case, the loud animals get the food!

Then it came time for the gator feeding.  Yowza! I'd sure hate to fall into this pond!

After the big gators were fed, the baby gator came out to play.

It was lunch time when we wrapped up at the gator park, and when you're only 2 minutes from the state line, you just have to go Texas for lunch. Just so you can say, I drove all the way to Texas for lunch. We went over to the Catfish Village, because I like the big pond out back.  All of the David Beard's restaurants remind me so much of my Papaw Tom. We use to go to Catfish King after church all the time. I think I've only been once since he passed away in 2003. So this little lunch outing was fun for me.

Well, that's one thing we can mark off the list.  Wonder what we'll do next?

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